
RCM Teaching Hub

The RCM Hub follows our Suzuki School focusing on student age 8 and above. Our faculty are artist-educators who have gained recognition locally, nationally, and internationally. They are committed to helping you achieve your personal or professional goals in music. Alongside private music lessons, we offer various opportunities at no additional cost. These include monthly performance classes, relaxed Live Music Social performances at venues like Twiggs Coffee House, more formal monthly performances at retirement homes, and periodic recitals throughout Sudbury. We also organize free masterclasses with visiting artists and clinics, ensuring that SSMC is the go-to place for anyone looking to explore music in Sudbury.

Our music lessons can cater to different objectives. Whether you seek personal enjoyment and growth, preparation for auditions or exams (such as the Royal Conservatory of Music or Conservatory Canada), or participation in local festivals and competitions like the Sudbury Music Festival, we have you covered. At SSMC, we prioritize outcome-driven and measurable development of our students, nurturing their performance skills. We also help them build impressive resumes when applying to college and university.

Considering the busy schedules of families involved in sports in Sudbury, we offer flexibility in our musical study options. Just like the "house league" and "rep" league distinctions in sports, this division caters to different levels of intensity in musical study within our community. The choice is yours, and our faculty will guide you every step of the way. For more information about the teachers, please visit our faculty page.

contact Dr. Gould at director@mySSMC.ca for more info.